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Hobbit News: Oin, Gloin, Nori, Ori, and Dori.

July 11, 2011

Yes, yes, I’m a bit late with these. Have some dwarves. (via First Showing)

I just have to take a moment to applaud how good these costumes are at making full grown men look like they’re four feet tall. Just like with Gimli from the original trilogy, a lot of the success of the design has to do with proportions; the extra long tunic, over-sized low-slung belts, large shoes, the make-up and hair that make the head and features look larger, all lend to the sense that these guys are wee.

Now, while Oin and Gloin (John Callen and Peter Hambleton) look like the stereotypical dwarf, Nori, Ori, and Dori have a really interesting look, different from what we’ve seen before.

You really get a sense of each character’s personality here, and I love it. Left to right (I think) we have Jed Brophy as Nori, Adam Brown as Ori, and Mark Hadlow as Dori.

And just for completeness, here is the latest vlog from Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first of two parts, should be hitting theaters in 3D December 2012.

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